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Mohl by to, prosím Vás, někdo zkontrolovat, popřípadě k tomu něco doplnit?

Mohl by to, prosím Vás, někdo zkontrolovat, popřípadě k tomu něco doplnit? Je to odpověď na otázku, jak můžeme získat peníze. Děkuji za každou i drobnou radu :) We can get money different types of ways. The majority of population earn money by doing a work. Each job is valued differently. The average wage in the Czech Republic is more than 24,000 crowns, but two thirds of the population has a lower wage. We can also get money from state in different forms. It is for for example: social benefits (which include a child allowance and a housing allowance),a dole, a pension. If our related person dies, we can inherit money. Happier of us can find or win money,but we unfortunately have any experience with this.

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