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Je v tomhle anglickém textu chyba?

Nejsem nějaký expert na angličtinu, proto bych byla ráda, kdybyste mě upozornili na chybu, kterou najdete v textu (Píšu to do kurzu z ang. jazyka jakoby článek na blok). Mnohokrát děkuji!

Name of the block caught me. The composite name of block is like my blog. The blog is composite of pieces of my life.
(Název bloku mě vystihuje. Složený název bloku je jako můj život, složený z kousků mého života)
I am totally in love with old center of Prague. I keen on a architecture and atmosphere and that I caught every chance to go in Prague (já využívám každou příležitost jet do Prahy) and because my boyfriend has never been in Prague ( hahah). I said we have to go to Prague because it is a shame.
We went there by train. The train had a lot of wagons and we didn’t find our coupe. It was a litlle bit funny for us.
The weater wasn’t good in Prague. It was a little bit rainy when we went sightseeing, but it wasn‘t any problem for us. Because there were a little bit people and these people were only a Asian people. We had to laught because we felt like in Vietnam and didn‘t like in Prague. Bylo tam málo lidí a tihle lidé byli pouze Asiati. My jsme se museli smát, protože jsme se cítili jako ve Vietnamu a ne jako v Praze)
My favorite monument is Vyšehrad. I know it is a monument with castle, but the view of Prague from Vyšehrad is amazing and that is the why I love Vyšehrad and also there is a restauration Yam Yam . We had a lunch there and than we went to the shop center becuse we was tired and i had to buy some things. Mayby I wasn’t not tired too much but I only wanted to shopping (hahah). My boyfriend doesn’t like shopping but he went from shop to shop and still smiling.( můj přítel nerad nakupuje, ale chodil se mnou od obchodu do obchodu) I bought some books about the chemistry of food (o chemii v jídle) that topic I deal this topic in these days.
We also went to buy in coffee and sat in cafe room. We told together and made one perfekt photo. We agreed on the photo caught us. The his cup of caffe is like big men a my little cup of cafe is like a shy girl. This is funny idea and we like it. (My jsme se shodli, že tato fotka nás vystihuje. Jeho šálek je jako velký muž a můj malý šálek je jako plachá dívka.
I enjoyed this day!

Upravil/a: annas

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Too many, my dear.

První odstavec vzdávám. Ve Vašich blocích a blozích se nevyznám.

I am keen on its architecture … and I use every chance to go to P.

I said we had to go … (Opravdu je to shame?)

The weather wasn´t …

…there were few people … only Asian people. We had to laugh … and not like in Prague.

…I know it is a hill with castle ruins, a church and a park.
…that is why I love … a restaurant …

We had lunch … and then … because we WERE …

Maybe I was not … wanted to go shopping.

… he went … and smiled (he went … keeping smile, still smiling)

…books on the ch. …

…which is the topic I deal with these days (…the topic with which I deal these days).

We also had coffee and sat in a café room. We talked …

We agreed that the photo got us well. His cup of coffee is like a big man.

Nezaručuju, že jsem vše správně pochopil a nic nepřehlédl.

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… jednak to, co už bylo řečeno – článek na blok??
„Block“ je ale maximálně blok ve smyslu např. kamenný blok.

  • … with THE old center… I AM keen on… I USE every chance to go…

… has never been TO Prague… (vazba)
… „it is a shame“ je třeba rozvést (it is a shame that… a klidně to zopakovat. Odkazujeme-li se na delší část promluvy, bylo by třeba pak říct „that is a shame“.)
Wagon je vůz, český vagón je „(train) car“ > the train had a lot of cars
THAT (viz výše – delší část promluvy – „to, že jsme nemohli najít…“) was a little bit funny TO us…
Lidi jsou počitatelní > bylo tam málo, nebo „několik“ lidí? Few (málo)/(only) a few (/jen/ pár ).
… these people were only Asian.
laugh (bez T)
… and NOT like in Prague.
… „monument s hradem“? Nechápu…
… and there IS ALSO (slovosled) a restauration CALLED Yam Yam…
… and THEN… (than by bylo „než“)
… we WERE tired…
… zájmeno já vždy s velkým I…
… „wasn't not“? Jeden zápor navíc…
… I only wanted to GO shopping (nebo … wanted to shop)
… and smiled all the time (nebo … from shop to shop, smiling all the time)
… about chemical ingredients in food… zbytek věty nedává smysl, je tam nějak moc těch „topiců“
… co že jste šli dělat? Koupit kafe > buy coffee … sat in A cafe…
… we TALKED… („tell“ = říci „někomu“) > už netřeba „together“… perfeCt…
… další věta nedává smysl (" We agreed on the photo caught us.")
před přivlastňovací zájmena se nedává člen… his cup of COFFEE… men je mn. č., to tady asi nechcete… my cup of COFFEE… this is A funny idea.

Upravil/a: quentos

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Píšeš to do bloku – jako notýsku nebo do blogu? :D

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Slecna 007

V tomto textu není chyba. Tento text je plný chyb ☹

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