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Je v tomhle anglickém textu chyba?

Nejsem nějaký expert na angličtinu, proto bych byla ráda, kdybyste mě upozornili na chyby, kterou najdete v textu. Mnohokrát děkuji!
The town where I grow up is Svitavy. This town is small, everyone knows everyone, everywhere you can go on foot and usually don‘t happen any tragic incidents there. Svitavy is save place where you have everything on hand(vše po ruce).
But I like places where something happen around me. I want to lose in a crowd…
I also like Czech Republic, I thing we have good  living conditions there.
Naturally, there are some problems but is some land without any problems? I think do not.
So I choose Prague a place where I would like to live.
Prague is a living and breathing enigma; old and dirty but graceful. Home to some of the best-kept architecture in all of Europe.
I am totally in love with old center of Prague. I keen on a architecture and atmosphere. In Prague are many ways how to spend a free time.
My favourite part of town  is Vinohrady. I want to have an apartment there.
Žižkov Tower stands high above the city's
traditional skyline from its position
on top of a hill in the district
of Žižkov, from which it takes
its name.
Is the second ugliest building
in the world and
people love it or hate it.
I love it!

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>where I grew up
>a safe place
>something happens
>I want to get lost in
>the Czech Republic
>I thinK
>but is there any land without … I don't think so
>So I chose Prague as a place
>In Prague there is many .. spend free time (nepočitatelné)
>My favourite city district/part of the city ?
>It is the second

+uvědom si pořádek slov ve větě (SVOMPT) – není to např. „everywhere you can go on foot“ ale „You can go anywhere on foot.“
+ve formálním textu nenapíšeš don't, ale do not (nezkracovat) – o jaký text jde?
+je tam určitě ještě pár chyb

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To nejpodstatnější již bylo řečeno,
problém slovosledu se týká ještě např. věty „… usually don‘t happen any tragic incidents there.“
po ruce = AT hand
… with THE old center…
… THE Žižkov Tower…
V předposlední větě chybí podmět.
… people EITHER love it or hate it.

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