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Kde je v tomhle anglickém textu chyba?

Nejsem nějaký expert na angličtinu, proto bych byla ráda, kdybyste mě upozornili na chybu, kterou najdete. Mnohokrát děkuji!
Znojmo is a small town but the cultural life is comfortable. We have a beautiful cinema. The cinema is held a lots of interesting workshops too. We also have a theater that is not good in my opinion. The theater should have a better program, but sometimes there are interesting games. In our town we can find restaurants, café, Leisure centre for children, swimming pool, fitness studio. It is a good way how spending leisure time, but I thing people in the town are lazy. They prefer stay at home and watch television and this is a pity in my opinion.
I very often go to the cinema with friends of mine or with my mom. I like a theater, but I do not like our theater that's the reason why I go to Brno. Sometimes I and my parents go for a dinner to the restaurant. I also go to the café with my best friend.

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Co chceš říct spojením comfortable cultural life?
games se ve smyslu divadelní hra nepoužívá, spíš performances
Nezapomeň na množné číslo cafes (bez dlouhého e), a jestliže leisure centre má být jedno, potom musí být se členem a, to samé platí u bazénu a fitness centra
It is a good way to spend leisure/free time…
They prefer to stay at home and watch television

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Chyba je v tom, že tomu vůbec nerozumím.

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