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Jak zrušit URL adresu?

Prosím, jak mám zrušit URL adresu na webu hi5.com?

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Pokud máš na mysli, jak zrušit účet:
Automatický překlad tady: http://tinyur­l.com/y8fupch

We're sorry to hear that you are leaving hi5. To delete or cancel your account, log in at http://www.hi5.com. Once you are logged in, click „Account“ at the top right corner of any hi5 page. At the bottom of the Account page, click the „Cancel My Account“ link. Enter your email address and password and click the „Cancel my account“ button. Once canceled, your profile is removed and you will no longer receive email from hi5 or messages from other hi5 members.

Zdroj: http://server­.iad.liveperson­.net/hc/s-19252078/cmd/­kbresource/kb-6901119222734­582711/view_qu­estion!PAGETY­PE?sc=34&sf=101133&do­cumentid=327186&ac­tion=view

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