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Jsou všechny uvedené věty správně utvořené v minulém čase? Mohla bych to takto říci při převyprávění příběhu?

Mr Cox wanted to see Luke, because he got bad marks in tests.
He had bad marks from French , history , science and maths.Luke got fifteen per cent. He didn't revise the tests ,because he had tennis competition.But for the teacher it wasn't a good excuse.Luke's se­cond excuse was , that he was working on the Geografy project.It was a better excuse ,but the teacher knew that he had to bring Geografy project until next week.Luke must to bring Geografy project next day, or Mr Cox writes to his parents.Rose helped Luke to do the projekt.Mr Cox project liked. Budu ráda za jakoukoliv pomoc.

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Ne. A minulý čas není jediný problém těch vět. Good luck.

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