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Jak se má říkat černochům v UK?

Když v US se jim říká Afroameričani.

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No asi Afro European,v Au­strálii jsou Black Australians,v Ka­nadě Black canadians a v evropě Afro Europeans zde je ± jejich počet podle evropských zemí In the European Union there is a record of 12 million people of African or Afro-Caribbean descent. The countries with the largest African population in Europe are:

France: 3,000,000 (most are from former French colones in Africa, with around 800,000 having roots in the French Caribbean islands)

United Kingdom: 2,500,000 (most have roots in former British colonies in Africa, notably Nigeria, and half are from or descendants of Caribbean islands that were formerly British colonies)

Netherlands: 700,000 (most are from the former Dutch possession Suriname and the Netherlands Antilles, but communities of Cape Verde and Africa are also found)

Belgium: 900,000 (most have roots in the former Belgian Congo and other French-speaking African countries)

Spain: 683,000 (most are from Equatorial Guinea and Latin American countries)

Germany: 1,500,000 (includes bi-racial children of Black American soldiers from the Cold War, as well as recent students, professionals, and other immigrants from Africa)

Italy: 1,000,000 [1]

Portugal 750,000 [2]

Sweden: 150,000

Russia: 70,000 [3]

Republic of Ireland: 165.078 (2011 Census)

You can also find African or Afro-European communities in Norway, Denmark, Switzerland and Croatia.
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Zdroj: https://en.m.wi­kipedia.org/wi­ki/Afro_Europe­an

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Říká se jim Black British nebo i British African-Caribbean https://en.wi­kipedia.org/wi­ki/British_Afri­can-Caribbean_people i British Indo-Caribbean https://en.wi­kipedia.org/wi­ki/British_In­do-Caribbean_people

Zdroj: https://en.wi­kipedia.org/wi­ki/Black_British

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Při přímém oslovení bych se původu osoby vyhnul. Jinak taky podle slovníku třeba:
black (person)
black man / male
Negro je už rasistické.

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No, pokud se brexit zneplatní, tak pak asi nejlépe afroeuropeans.

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Opálený sluničkář

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