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Kde bych sehnala závěrečnou melodii z filmu The Island?

Ráda bych si odněkud stáhla tuto melodii z filmu Ostrov, byla na konci filmu, kdy všichni kloni prchli z podzemí. Nevím kdo ji nazpíval nebo nahrál a velmi se mi líbí, prosím o informace. Děkuji.

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Dobrý den,

zde jsou všechny písničky z filmu The Island.
Název songu si zadejte na youtube.com a nejdete ji hned.

S pozdravem Roman

„Kyrie from Missa Papae Marcelli“
Composed by Giovanni Palestrina (as Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)

„Nessun Dorma“
Composed by Giuseppe Adami, Giacomo Puccini & Renato Simoni
Performed by Campagnia d'Opera Italiana Orchestra & Choir
Courtesy of Extreme Production Music USA

„Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring“
Composed by Johann Sebastian Bach
Arranged by Bashiri / Hansen / Hasenohrl
Performed by Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Courtesy of Extreme Production Music USA

„Ave Verum Corpus“
Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Performed by Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Courtesy of Extreme Production Music USA

Written by Lew Pollack & Erno Rapee
Performed by The Mantovani Orchestra
Courtesy of Delta Entertainment and San Juan Music Group
By Arrangement with Source/Q

Written and Performed by Fenomenon
Courtesy of Batteri Recordings

Written by The Prom Kings, Michael Carney & Andrew Duncan
Performed by The Prom Kings
Courtesy of Three Kings Records

„Walking Bum“
Written by Jon Spencer & Matt Verta-Ray
Performed by Heavy Trash
Courtesy of Yep Roc Records
By Arrangement with Ocean Park Music Group

Written by Ernesto Lecuona & Theodora Morse
Performed by Connie Francis
Courtesy of Universal Records
Under license from Universal Music Enterprises

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Celý soundtrack je ke stažení zde http://www.uloz­to.cz/8124125/­ostrov-island-2005-soundtrack-rar

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